Ruston Strong
A message from Travis Napper, President/CEO of the Ruston Lincoln Convention & Visitors Bureau
Written by: Ruston Lincoln CVB Team
As most of you know, and some of you experienced first-hand, Ruston was hit by an EF3 tornado in the early hour of Thursday, April 25. While much of Ruston was spared, there were multiple areas of our community that received devastating damage. With heavy hearts we mourn the lives of the mother and son that were lost during the storm. Remarkably, little other injuries have been documented directly resulting from the tornado. In the immediate aftermath of the storm our community jumped into action to start helping their neighbors to safety, cutting downed trees, removing debris, and clearing roadways. In the hours and days that have followed, the outpouring of support of all kinds has been nothing short of incredible and makes it easy to unite in the “RUSTON STRONG” rally cry. Our community will continue to move forward and do so an even stronger and unified way. Almost all businesses are back open, and as others re-open remember that by supporting them you are supporting this community. Below you will find information and links useful in response to the recent events. We’re proud to be a party of this community. Thank you to friends near and far who continue to support us during this time.
Disaster Recovery Information:
Follow Mayor Ronny Walker and City of Ruston on Facebook and Instagram for updates.Information is also available at
You can also follow along with Lincoln Parish Office of Emergency Preparedness.
If you have a need resulting from the storm, call (318) 255-3300. You will be redirected to 2-1-1 and that need will be met as soon as possible.
Volunteer Information:
If you have volunteered in any capacity since the storm on Thursday, April 25, please log your volunteer here in the survey below. This documentation can help the City receive state and federal funding for repairs.
Volunteer opportunities can be found here or by calling (318) 255-3300.
Donations & Support:
If you wish to make a financial donation, two options are available. • Argent Financial Group's Community Foundation of North Louisiana • Louisiana Tech University Foundation
Click here to purchase Tommy's Tees “RUSTON STRONG” T-shirt. 100% of proceeds will be donated back to disaster relief efforts.